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Mirror Image Timecode Slate Handle
44.99 USDThis handle is manufactured in the USA and is made of machined aluminum. It is light weight only 2.6 ounces. This TC Slate Handle does not damage the sticks.
Rycote Stereo Cyclone MS Kit 18
955.00 USDRycote Stereo Cyclone MS Kit 18 -- Stereo Cyclone kit featuring XLR Mic Connections (2x XLR3F and 1x XLR5M) for Sennheiser MKH 8030 with MKH 8040 / MKH 8050 (for use with mic pre-amps). Provides remarkable acoustic transparency and supreme wind suppression (up to -50dB).
Beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO Headphones
529.00 USDBeyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO -- Open-back studio reference headphones for mixing and mastering.
Lectrosonics SMWBBCUP
55.00 USDLectrosonics SMWBBCUP -- For single battery transmitter. The antenna points UP when the transmitter is worn on a belt. Unavailable for shipping outside of The United States and Canada.
Denecke JB-1 Syncbox Timecode Generator
292.60 USDGenerates and Jam Syncs to all common SMPTE Timecode frame rates.