
We’ve lost a giant in our industry

John Coffey and I, unknown to each other at the time, started our TV/Film sound careers at about the same time 45 years ago, and soon after started our respective businesses, Trew Audio in Nashville, and Coffey Sound in Los Angeles. For decades, as business adversaries, we competed for the same customers, and John was a very worthy opponent. Never during that time did it occur to either of us that we would one day be working together for “Coffey Sound, A Trew Audio Company”. But we did, and we worked well together. It was during that time that I developed an immense amount of admiration and respect for John as a tireless business operator who accomplished great things through his persistence, and as a person who valued family and friends above all else. I will always be thankful for my time with John and remember him fondly for the times working against him, working with him, his famous poker parties, his spontaneous laugh, watching him beam as he talked about his daughter, and on and on and on. John Coffey may be gone, but his legacy of achievement in our profession will outlive us all. Heartfelt condolences to his friends and family.

Rest in peace, John.

-Glen Trew