Ferrofish A32pro Dante

3,999.00 USD

Ferrofish A32pro Dante — Unique solution to convert & route pro audio formats with the highest I/O density in a single HU rack device


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Ferrofish A32pro Dante

The Ferrofish A32pro Dante is a worldwide unique solution to convert and route all important PRO-Audio formats with the highest possible I/O density in a single HU rack device: Analog, MADI, ADAT and Dante/AES67 – all with up to 192 kHz.

The incredible flexible converter provides 32 balanced analog I/Os in D-Sub25 format with pro studio levels up to +20dBu – adjustable in 1 dB steps.

Dante Plug & Play Eco System

The A32pro Dante fits directly into scalable network infrastructures of the Dante Eco System – with Plug & Play. The powerful Dante control software allows the routing of all channels freely within the network. Combined with the Virtual Dante soundcard, the A32pro Dante turns into a powerful audio interface.

The A32pro is also available in a non-Dante version.


With the latest high-performance low-latency converter generation from ESS, the device sets a new milestone for multi-channel conversion. Combined with a temperature-compensated high-precision clock and an active jitter reduction hardware design, the 388-channel behemoth delivers an exceptional detailed sound.

A total of four multitouch TFT screens show the levels of all 64 channels. A sophisticated help system provides context-sensitive help for the selected function at all times.


The high quality analog converter design is accompanied by a powerful Sharc-DSP with floating point calculatio. The 80-bit wide accumulator processes the audio data with unmatched accuracy.

The DSP performs routing, mixing and the analogue gain/level settings – still providing unused processing reserves. Future updates will include high-quality Ferrofish DSP-effects, which are able to process audio effects with high accuracy and without latency.

A dual QSFP slot bay is also available for future DSP expansion modules (DSP sticks).


The A32pro Dante can be remotely controlled via the RemoteFish app (Win/Mac) with these connections from the host computer: MIDI, MIDI-over-MADI, USB, and Dante.

MADI audio streams can be used to send and receive embedded MIDI messages.


The A32pro Dante comes with two redundant MADI SFP ports (64 fully routable channels). Any combination of optical and/or BNC SFP modules can be used. The device ships with a single optical Multimode I/O module, supporting 64 channels at 48 kHz.


2 x 4 TOSLINK ports – port 4 switchable to SPDIF – can convert all 32 analog I/Os.


The A32pro Dante provides a Word Clock I/O and a classic MIDI I/O for embedding signals and remote control of the unit. On top of it: GPIO, intuitive one-knob control, Preset Management, Panel Lock and a powerful cross-format routing matrix (see below). The A32pro series can also operate as a highly flexible digital audio signal router.

Additionally, two headphone outputs on the front and an analog stereo output on the back can be used to monitor any channel, sending it to several destinations.


Two smart usable headphone outputs on the front allow monitoring every mono or stereo I/O directly from the unit – no additional device or DAW interface is necessary. This way it doesn´t need another monitoring device in the bag to tap into a pair of MADI or Dante channels.

The headphones signal can be easily selected via a dedicated source control on the TFT display. Its possible to choose from ANALOG, MADI, ADAT, Dante channels.

A main out (analog TRS) for speaker monitoring is available on the back of the unit.


The A32pro Dante provides a sophisticated internal matrix for the free routing and splitting of all 128 Ins to all 128 Outs. The headphone outputs allow it to monitor every channel directly from the front of the unit. Submix Monitoring will be possible with a later firmware version.


The high quality analogue circuit is accompanied by powerful DSPs. A high-performance Sharc-DSP with floating point calculation and 80-bit accumulator processes all audio data with unmatched accuracy.

The DSP platform is ready for expansion: two slots for optional DSP Sticks open a whole new world for multichannel audio and signal processing updates in the future.


The A32pro Dante provides two automatically switch-over power supplies for worldwide operation. Both external power supplies can be replaced in seconds and even switched during operation without interruption. This way the device does not need to be sent in for repair if a power supply fails.

Note: The A32pro Dante ships with a single US power supply. A second PSU for redundancy is available from Synthax USA.

Ferrofish A32pro Dante — OVERALL

The fan-less, small footprint Smart Converter & Routing system is a huge problem solver for studio and live sound applications. The efficiency puzzle for live, studio and broadcast is solved – finally.