Nagra 4.2

3,900.00 USD

Condition: Mint

Item Ref # 289820
Location:Nashville (615) 256-3542

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Nagra model 4.2 in mint condition*. NAB curve.  Date of manufacture: 1990.  Includes NagraATN-3.  This Nagra is the second of two we’ve received that were originally purchased by the US military, configured without pilot generator or resolver (but with center head).  There is no indication that this machine had ever been used!  Originally purchased without mic preamps, we have installed Nagra 200-Ohm dynamic preamps for microphone use.  Fully inspected, serviced, and calibrated for SM911 tape @510nW/m in August 2024 by Glen Trew.

**The small, scratched area seen in the front panel photos seems to have been from a storage case.  Otherwise, the machine looks, works, and sounds like it did when it left the factory**