Remote Audio HN-7506 High-Noise Headphones

375.00 USD

Remote Audio HN-7506 High-Noise Headphones with Sony MDR-7506 elements and special baffling installed. Sealing off outside ambience by as much as 45 dB, the HN-7506 is designed to sound like the industry standard Sony MDR-7506, and allows the switch from one to the other without loss of monitoring standard and reliability.


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Remote Audio HN-7506 High-Noise Headphones

Remote Audio HN-7506 High Noise Headphone — Sealing off outside ambience by as much as 45 dB, the HN-7506 is designed to sound like the industry standard Sony MDR-7506. Providing extreme isolation from outside noise and using Sony MDR-7506 drivers with special baffling, the Remote Audio HN-7506 allows accurate, full-range monitoring in loud environments and adds a high degree of protection from hearing damage while giving the user the familiar sound of the industry standard Sony headphones.