Sound Devices MixPre 6 II w/ Accessories

1,100.00 USD

Condition: Good

Item Ref # 291276
Location:Nashville (615) 256-3542

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-Orca OR-270 MixPre Bag

-Orca OR-400 Lightweight Harness

-Orca OR-42 Headphone Hook Bungie

-Cable Techniques MX-Powersled (Hirose power adapter)

-AC to USB-C Power adapter

-USB-C to USB-C Cable

-Cable Techniques Battery Bud II (Battery Distribution system)

-Remote Audio HIQ98 Smart Battery w/ Charger & Power cup to Hirose

-(x2) Cable Techniques Hirose to Hirose Power Cables

-Sound Devices BNC to USB-C (Mix Pre 6 II Timecode Cable)