Sound Devices NoiseAssist Plugin for 8-Series

From: 600.00 USD

Sound Devices NoiseAssist Plug-In for 8-Series — Suppress background noise instantly on-location with the optional NoiseAssist plugin for 8-Series mixer-recorders. Requires 8-Series firmware version 7.20 or higher.

Choice of 2, 4, or 8 instances of NoiseAssist for Sound Devices 833, 888, and Scorpio mixer/recorders. Device serial number required.

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Sound Devices NoiseAssist Plugin for 8-Series

Sound Devices NoiseAssist Plugin for 8-Series — Suppress background noise instantly on-location with the optional NoiseAssist plugin for 8-Series mixer-recorders. Requires 8-Series firmware version 7.20 or higher.

NoiseAssist is an advanced signal processing algorithm that reduces background noises such as traffic, generators, HVAC noise, and more. The plugin continuously monitors background noise to give you clean audio for the entire take.

Using NoiseAssist is easy and fast – simply adjust the amount of background noise to suppress and NoiseAssist will do the rest. Suppression happens in real time with just 1 ms of latency – no “learning” required. Up to 8 instances of NoiseAssist are available per mixer-recorder/device. These instances can run on any combination of isolated channels (excluding 17-32 on Scorpio) or bus.

This algorithm is optimized specifically for high-end professional film and television dialog. It accurately distinguishes the desired speech signal from background noise using proprietary advanced multi-band frequency, level, and statistical calculations. NoiseAssist maintains the excellent frequency bandwidth of the audio channel, while effectively suppressing the background noise and reverberation.